Monday, September 23, 2019

Transverse Vibration of Strings - Interactive simulation of the Wave Equation

Wave # v ν λ k ω Y T φ
Transverse vibration of strings is modeled by the following relation [123]:
(Please reload the page if equations do not display properly)
\begin{equation} y(t, x) = Y \sin (\omega t - k x + \phi) \end{equation}
Here, \(y\) is the transverse displacement at time \(t\) at a location identified by the coordinate \(x\).
\(\omega\) is the angular frequency of vibration of the string.
\(k\) is the propagation constant,
\begin{equation} k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} \end{equation}
\(\lambda\) is the wavelength.
Other important relations are:
Frequency \(\nu\),
\begin{equation} \nu = \frac{\omega}{2\pi} \end{equation}
Time period \(T\),
\begin{equation} T = \frac{1}{\nu} \end{equation}
Wave velocity \(v\),
\begin{equation} v = \nu \lambda \end{equation}
\(Y\) is the amplitude of vibration.
\(\phi\) is the initial (\(t = 0\)) phase angle at (\(x = 0\)).

The simulation shows 2 different waves - pre-initialised with all parameters having same values, except for \(Y\) and \(\phi\).
Change the values and see the effects.
Noticeably, certain values are coupled.


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